The first Surah "Al Fatihah" begins with the arabic words "Al-hamdulillah", signifying that
all praise essentially belongs only to Allah(God). Whosoever praises anything
anywhere in the world is ultimately praising Allah(God). The sensible world
contains millions of things which compel man's attention and
admiration for their beauty and usefulness, but if one tries to look
behind the veil of appearances, one would find in each and every thing
the manifestation of the same creative power. Admiring anything that
exists in the created world is no more than showing one's admiration for a work of art or craft, which in fact is a praise of the artist or the
This small statement of the Holy Quran opens a new
perspective for man lost in the labyrinth of multiplicity, and shows
him how the many are knit together in the same unity, and how all
praise in reality belongs to One whose power is absolute, and that it is
only in our ignorance or indifference that we regard this praise to be
due to anyone else.
If there is only one Being in the whole universe who inherently
deserves all praise, it necessarily follows from it that this Being alone
should be Worthy of adoration and worship. Thus we can see that
the phrase, "Al-hamdulillah" cuts the very root of polytheism or the worship of
created beings, and at the same time brings out in a self-evident
manner the first and the basic principle of the Islamic creed --
Oneness of Allah(God).
The next phrase to follow in the Surah is the arabic word, "Rabb" which signifies that Allah(God) is the One who creates, the One who nurtures, the One who sustains every creature.
The word, "Rabb" is exclusive to the sacred Being of Allah(God),
and cannot be employed in the case of any created being,
for a created being is itself in need of 'nurture', and cannot nurture anyone else.
The next phrase "Al-'alamin" is the plural of "alum" (world, universe, kingdom). So the phrase "The
universe" include all possible forms of existence: the sky, the earth,
the sun, the moon, stars, wind and rain, the angels, the jinns, animals,
plants, minerals, and, of course, men. So, "the Lord of all the universe"
means that Allah(God) alone gives nurture to all the forms of existents that
are to be found in this universe, or in the millions of universes that
may lie beyond our own universe in the outer space.
universe reveals itself to be an incredibly complex, yet perfectly
integrated order. From the heavens to the earth, from the planets and
the stars to the particles of dust, everything is bound in a chain of
being, and is performing the function assigned to it by Divine Wisdom.
Man cannot obtain a little morsel of food unless a thousand forces of
the sky and the earth work together to produce it. The universal order
is there for man to contemplate, and to realize that, if Allah(God) has put
millions of His creatures in the service of man, man in his turn cannot
be worthless or purposeless or meaningless.
* Note about References: This website does not necessarily agree with all the ideas and the political view of the author of the referenced articles.