People of Pompeii
"Is it not a warning to such men (to call to mind) how many generations before them We destroyed, in whose haunts they (now) move? Verily, in this are Signs for men endued with understanding." (Quran:20/128)
Pompeii was a degenerated city where people were involved in perverse behaviours in sex and food consumption. People of Pompeii used to eat gluttonously. Some of them used to vomit in vomitoriums to eat again.
The city was famous for prostitution and there were so many brothels that statues of human penis were hung on the doors of brothels in order to distinguish the brothels from the other houses.
When archeologists excavated the city they found the petrified dead bodies of the people which demonstrate the open sexual perversity of the Pompeii people. Some of the excavated artifacts even indicated signs of homosexuality and bestiality.
The eruption of the Vesuvius caused the destruction of Pompeii two thousand years ago. When the volcano erupted nobody could escape the catastrophe. Lava and ash covered the bodies of people and they were petrified right at that moment of their daily life .
Therefore archeologists discovered many petrified bodies performing sex.
Everybody and everything in the city remains today exactly as it was two thousand years ago. The city was preserved as a warning for all mankind.
"Is it not a warning to such men (to call to mind) how many generations before them We destroyed, in whose haunts they (now) move? Verily, in this are Signs for men endued with understanding." (Quran:20/128)
This is another fact that the Quran revealed 1400 years ago.

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