
What if we had to inhale an air that is as dense as "honey"?

"Breathing" seems to be a simple function, but it is a vital process that has to be performed continuosly and every moment by human beings. A famous Ottoman Emporer stated the following: "Among people there's nothing esteemed like the state, [yet] there is no state in the world than a breath of health." What if breathing was a painful and difficult activity that had to be performed every moment ?

When we breathe, we inhale the air into our lungs. Air is resistant to movement like all matters. But thankfully the resistance of air against movement is very small. So that we can easily inhale and exhale the air. Scientificly, the density of air ( at sea level ) is 1 gr/lt and its resistance to flow is 50 times smaller than water. If air had a greater density, breathing would be a very difficult task to obtain.

What if we had to inhale an air that is as dense as "honey" ? It is obvious that it is difficult to drink honey with a straw . So, "Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?" ( Quran: 55 / 25 )

Let us likewise examine the scientific facts beyond "air pressure". The air pressure ( at sea level ) is 760 mm Hg. If the air pressure was less, more water would evaporise and more vapour in the atmosphere would cause the temperature of the world to increase. On the other hand if the air pressure was more, there would be little vapour in the atmosphere and there would be less rain and drought. Allah(God) has created the air with the appropriate pressure, density and viscosity values just to fit our needs. So, "Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?" ( Quran: 55 / 25 )

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